• A step-by-step plan to launch your digital marketing business and teach you to make your first $10k, $100k & $1,000,000 selling digital products. This coaching program is designed to start at a beginner level and help you develop the skills to become a six or 7-Figure earner.
  • Lifetime access to all course updates. No upsells or additional products to buy. You pay one time and get everything you need.
  • Lifetime group coaching 3 times per week with a 7-Figure earner.
  • Supportive community to help you daily and answer any of your questions.
  • MRR (Master Resell Rights) - You get the ability to rebrand the course and sell it as your own product and keep 100% of the profits.


If you're one of the next 100 people to purchase you will get access to everything mentioned above for just one payment of $500 before the price doubles.

Total Combined Value:



Today Offer:


*** Your Bonuses will be instantly delivered under the membership area after you complete your purchase.

Contact me at for any questions.

Meet Your Instructors for the Course

Navjot Singh

Take advantage of the DONE FOR YOU (white label) business opportunity taking over the internet and changing the lives of thousands of men & women who want more out of life.

Mr. X

Mr X has made over $7 million selling his own digital products & $2 million with affiliate marketing



95% of the people who start a digital marketing business will struggle and most likely end up quitting.

The 5% who learn the right high-income skills, strategies, and daily plans to follow will make all the money.

You will get access to the 3 Millionaire Business Models.
1.) How To Sell MRR (Master Resell Rights)

2.) How To Create Your Own Products For Any Niche

3.) How To Sell Affiliate Products (Recommending other people's products for a commission).

You will get proven strategies to follow taught by Mr X who has generated over $9,000,000 online selling his own products and recommending other people's products as an affiliate.

You will learn all the high-income skills that he invested over $400,000 and 10 years of his time to learn.

With what you learn, if you apply yourself you could create a six to 7-figure income in the next 12 months.


The difference between the Top 1% of Earners and the people who struggle to stay consistent and quit on their goals and business... is all how they think.

If you want to build a profitable business you must first start by rewiring your brain for success.

Your employee mindset isn't going to cut it.

If you want to go from employee to millionaire you first must start with yourself.

Mr X is going to teach you the top lessons he learned from spending over $100,000 on personal development and teach you how to rewire your brain for success.

Once you go through this training you will no longer struggle to be consistent, quit on your goals, and disappoint yourself ever again.


You can have the best product in the world, but if you have no one to market the product to... your digital business will die a slow death.

You will learn how to launch your personal brand from scratch and build your audience on the best platform - Instagram. You will learn:

- How to create content and craft the perfect message to attract your target customer.

- How to take them from interested and curious to a paying customer.

- How to do IG stories that generate high ticket sales daily (only takes 10 mins).

- And how to close sales in the DM's (Proven 7-Figure Script)

This is completely beginner friendly and if you can commit to 2-4 hours daily we can show you how to fire your boss and live life completely on your terms.


If you want to make $10k, $100k or $1,000,000 / year it all comes down to marketing and sales.

It's not enough to just have a good product.

If you want to generate daily sales on autopilot you have to learn how to position your product so your potential customer sees value in trading their hard earned money for the product you're selling.

You will learn all the high income skills like:- Email Marketing

How to write emails that suck the reader in and print 💰

- Copywriting

The difference between good content and bad content is copy.

The different between emails that get people to buy or they never open again is copy.

The difference between a good or bad sales page is copy.

Once you go through the copy training you will never have to worry about being broke ever again.

- Advance Marketing

You will learn skills like:

How to build sales funnels that make at least $1,000,000/year.

How to do sequenced launches on social media and email that generate $50k - $100k per promotion. (with case studies and swipe files)

How to run a profitable FB group that makes $200k + month.

How to outsource all the pesky tasks in your business that you don't enjoy doing.

And a whole lot more...


The Million Dollar Social Media Rolodex isn't just some cute name... these are all my marketing materials that have generated millions of dollars online.

You will get access to daily emails, social media posts, and marketing materials written by a 7-Figure copywriter to copy, paste, tweak and profit with.

Just one email sequence written by a good copywriter would cost you $10,000 +.

You get lifetime access to the Social Media Rolodex.


You will learn the 3 millionaire business models inside the course.

One of the business models is MRR (Master Resell Rights).

Which means you can license a course and sell it as your own and keep 100% of the profits.

You will get to license this course, rebrand it and sell it as your own and keep all the money.

Your customers will get all the same benefits, all the resources and the coaching and you make 100% of the money.

We will handle making sure your customers get support and coach them to get results while you focus on building your digital empire.

This isn't your average generic MRR course.

The training is not based on theory or generic training like "how to make graphics with canva".

This course took 10 years and $400,000 invested to create.

You're getting to license a million dollar course for just $500.

You're saving yourself $399,500 and 10 years of your time learning and making lots of mistakes to create a million dollar offer.

You can rest assured when you sell the course your customers will get a world class experience from the training & coaching and they won't get hit with endless upsells.

Now to be clear if you don't want to sell the course you don't have to.

The training in the course will teach you all the high income skills you need to make $1,000,000 with any of the three business models.

However, we wanted to set you up with everything you need to be successful from the start.

And that is why we are letting you license the best MRR course in the industry so you feel good about what you're selling.


This isn't just a do it yourself course.

We support you every step of the way.

You will get access to our private Mastermind Community where you can ask questions 24 hours a day, seven days a week and get help whenever you need it.There’s people all over the world in this group and somebody is always online to answer your questions.This isn't one of those communities where you sign up and the mentor disappears.

You will be able to interact with myself and Mr. X and we are there to support and help you every step of the way so you never get stuck.We actually care about the members in our community and want you to get results.


A digital course will never get you results.

A course is to give you the strategic plan, but what happens when you run into a roadblock or obstacle?

What most people do is quit and give up.
You will not reach millionaire status without having the coaching and guidance of a millionaire.

This isn't just another do it yourself course and you're on your own.

This is a coaching program where you get live coaching 3 times per week with Mr. X.

1 call per week to plan all of your content for you - No need to guess what to do. He tells you everything you need to do and explains why you do it.

2 calls per week to review your work, answer your questions and help you with anything you need.

You get millionaire mentoring for the lifetime of the program.

You will not find another millionaire who will coach you 3 times per week for life and definitely not for $500

I challenge you to find another program that gives you everything you will get here for less than $5,000 - $10,000.

You will get all the training, coaching and support you need to hit your income goals and learn to build a long term profitable business for just one payment of $500. (No upsells or BS)

Total Combined Value:


Today Offer:


If you're one of the next 100 people to purchase you will get access to everything mentioned above for just one payment of $500 before the price doubles.

Contact me at for any questions.



For anyone who decides to purchase today from, I will toss in an exclusive bonus offer designed to save you countless hours at no additional charge.


Instead of spending days (or weeks) creating your funnel, I think it would be easier if you could simply copy mine with one click.

In order to represent your business with a high-quality website and increase your conversions & sales, I want you to have a high-quality funnel.

But I don't want you to struggle. So you can simply copy mine into your account with 1-click.

DFY 13 Email Follow-up Sequence

I just added a one-click Done For You (DFY) 13 email follow-up sequence.

Make a few edits, add your name, and change the links from my sales page to your sales page.

Easy Peasy!!


Be certain that you are crossing all of your T's and dotting all of your I's as you get ready to launch your new business. I've included a checklist so you know the exact updates you need to make to your funnel in order to make it yours.


This template will take the guesswork out of creating a killer sales letter for your MRR sales page.

Simply Copy & Paste this "Copywriting Template" into your MRR Sales page... and then fill in the blanks.


Differentiate yourself in the market and increase your sales conversions by giving away these Done for You Bonuses.

After you enroll, I will show you how to "Copy My Bonuses" so you can give them away to your customers.

Total Combined Value:


Today Offer:


If you're one of the next 100 people to purchase you will get access to everything mentioned above for just one payment of $500 before the price doubles.

*** Your Bonuses will be instantly delivered under the membership area after you complete your purchase.

Contact me at for any questions.


So, what exactly is this product?

This product is like nothing you've ever seen before. You will learn all the high-income skills you need to build a profitable digital marketing business online.

This is not another one of those generic MRR courses that teach skills like "how to design graphics on Canva" or "the power of social media branding".

This product took 10 years of experience and $400,000 invested to learn all the high-income skills you will learn inside.

It's designed to take you from beginner to pro and teach you how to build a million-dollar digital marketing business.

You will learn the 3 millionaire business models: MRR (Master Resell Rights, How to create your own products from scratch & Affiliate Marketing.

You will be learning from Mr. X who has made over $9,000,000 with the strategies you can apply to your own business.

If you decide to pursue the MRR business model you will be able to license this course, rebrand it as your own and sell it, and make 100% of the profits.

How do I make 100% profit?

This is what Master Resell Rights means.

Once you purchase this product, not only will you get access to all the training you can apply to virtually any online business, but you also own the course and can sell it and keep 100% of the profits.

This means anytime someone purchases the course through you, 100% of the money goes directly into your bank account, not a third party like if you were doing affiliate marketing.

What do I receive with my purchase?

If you scroll up you can see a full list of the training and support you will receive.

You will receive the digital course, a supportive community of other like-minded people of all levels, and ongoing coaching and support from Mr. X who has made over $9,000,000 with digital marketing.

You will receive all my bonuses.

Are there any hidden fees or upsells?

Absolutely not. You pay $500 and there are zero upsells. If we recommend any additional trainings, coaching or software it's just that, "recommendations", and not required.

There is zero gatekeeping. You're getting $400,000 of knowledge and skills for just one payment of $500.

This program was created because we were fed up with all the programs on the market charging prices of $5,000 - $100,000 and most of them are created by beginners who have less than 2 years of business experience.

This program was designed to be the last program you need to purchase to help you build a million dollar business.

Do I need to have any experience in online business or be tech savvy?

No, absolutely not. That is why this program is great for beginners. Everything is taught step-by-step for complete newbies. No need to be tech savvy or have experience in online business or digital marketing. Everything is shown in easy to follow training videos so you don't need any prior experience.

Do I have to sell this digital product?

Absolutely not!! The point of this course is not to buy and resell it.

The real point of this coaching program is to learn the high-income skills that will teach you to build a million-dollar business regardless if you choose to sell MRR, create your own products from scratch or do affiliate marketing.

We want to give you the skills you need to succeed regardless which path you choose.

If you don't want to sell the course we will support you and help you grow your business.

Will anyone be there to help me if I get stuck?

Yes! In addition to all of the step-by-step training, pre-populated FAQ sections, and links to all relevant support contacts that you may possibly need, there is a bustling community of folks who have already gone through this that you can ask for help from.

or you can email at to get any support.

Can I send my customers to your community?

Yes, absolutely!! Your customers will get access to the course, lifetime updates, the supportive community and the coaching.

If you want to focus on building your digital empire we will focus on helping your customers get results.


Millionaire Mindset

The difference between millionaires and the people who never manage to create anything meaningful in their lives is their mindset.

When you learn to rewire your brain for success you become consistent, stop quitting if something is perceived as hard and everything you touch turns to gold. If you don't fix how you think first than none of the strategies you learn will matter.

You will continue the pattern you currently do in your life where you start and stop and never reach your goals.

There is a reason only the 1% make all the money and we will teach you how to think and operate like the 1%.So the first step we start with is rewiring your brain to become a millionaire and eliminate the employee mindset.

Millionaire Traffic

This program doesn't focus on teaching you 101 different traffic sources to build your business.In fact, this is the #1 reason beginners never gain any traction in their business.

When you're a one man/woman operation you have limited time and you must make that time count.

What you need is a strategic plan you follow daily that will put money into your bank account.

That is why we focus on using the best platform to build a million dollar business - Instagram.You will learn how to create content that will attract your target customer.You will learn the proven Instagram story formula that will generate high ticket sales daily.

And... you will learn how to use DM's to turn followers into customers.

Everything in this coaching program is about being strategic and following a simple process that makes you money daily. Not overwhelming you with tons of videos on every platform you could build your business on. That is a recipe for disaster.

Millionaire Sales Funnels

You will learn how to create simple sales funnels that take your potential customer from interested to paying customer in the fastest and most efficient way possible.

What worked 3 years ago no longer works.

Your customers don't want to go through 27 step funnels.

Simplicity is the name of the game.

You will learn how to build a simple funnel that is scalable to 7-figures and it doesn't confuse your customer in the process.

Millionaire Sales & Psychology

In this module you will learn how to master copywriting and sales psychology.

It's not good enough to just create content, drive people to a link and they buy like a robot.You have to communicate a crystal clear message to your potential customer that your product will make their life easier, end their pain/problems and help them achieve their desired result.

If you fail to do this they are buying from your competitors.

You will learn how to master copywriting in both written and spoken form.Mr. X has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars learning this skill and will break it down so even a beginner can implement it into their business right away.

Millionaire Email Marketing

One of the highest leverage skills you can learn is to write email copy that turns readers into paying customers.

Once you learn this skill you can decide you want to buy something, write an email and make $1k + with a simple email that takes you 30 minutes of your time.

In this module you will learn how to write emails with your authentic voice and message that builds goodwill, delivers value and turns your readers into customers.

Millionaire Outsourcing & Hiring

Once you start to scale your business past six-figures you will need to get help to grow to 7-figures.

One of the reasons you start your business is FREEDOM.

The big mistake all beginner entrepreneurs make is creating another job for themselves.

The goal is to make lots of money and have time for your hobbies, family and other priorities in life.

There will be tasks in your business you do not enjoy doing and you will learn how to find talented outsourcers to help you buy back your time and scale your business.

You will also learn how to find A-Players and people that are much better at the skills than you are.

This is key to grow your business and actually have a life at the same time.

Millionaire Advanced Marketing Strategies

As mentioned before this is not your average coaching program.

You will learn the basic skills you need to make $10k, $20k, even $30k/monthly.However, if you want to scale to $100,000 + monthly you will need to learn advanced strategies that most courses will not teach you.

What gets you to your first six-figures will not get you to $1,000,000.

This doesn't mean you need to add more work to your schedule.

It's all about operating by a strategic plan.You will learn strategies like:

- How to do sequenced launches that generate $50k - $100k in just a 1-2 week promotion.

- How to run a FB group that makes $200,000 + monthly.

- And a whole lot more. This course is always being updated with what is working best right now.

You will never pay for version 2.0, 3.0, etc.As we update the training you get all the updates for free.

Millionaire DFY Resources

When you first start out it helps to have a helping hand and we get that.

You will be provided with emails, social media posts, IG stories to model, and swipe files to model and use for your business.

These are all created my Mr.X and you will get lifetime access.Just this one resource is worth far more than the $500 you're investing.

Just one good email sequence from a 7-Figure copywriter like Mr.X would cost you $10,000 +.

Millionaire Webinar Replays

We hold live coaching calls 3 times per week.1 call to plan out your content for you.

2 Calls to review your work and help you tweak your marketing so you constantly get better.

However, we realize we all have busy lives and you may not be able to make it live.

If that is the case you can submit your work or questions ahead of time, get the answers and help you need and watch the replay.You will always have access to get individualized help you need.

Additional Training & Lifetime Upgrades

In this course you will find additional training in order to help you grow your business. Plus, you will never pay for upgrades!!!

Total Combined Value:


Today Offer:


If you're one of the next 100 people to purchase you will get access to everything mentioned above for just one payment of $500 before the price doubles.

*** Your Bonuses will be instantly delivered under the membership area after you complete your purchase.

Contact me at for any questions.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

We don't believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that's what our programs are designed to help you do.

As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings - all numbers are illustrative only.

Thanks for stopping by. Remember: You’re closer than you think.